Wind Energy: Protecting Avian Biodiversity


Wind Energy: Protecting Avian Biodiversity 




While wind energy is an important growing source of renewable energy, studies estimate that anywhere from 681,000 to 1.7 million birds per year are killed in collisions with turbines (Merriman 2021). Addressing avian turbine collisions has been a relatively new area of focus; however, with an increasing demand for wind energy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, effects on wildlife are also expected to increase. The number of avian collisions is likely to grow as wind energy expands and becomes more intrusive to the habitats of birds (May et al. 2014). In fact, collisions as a whole account for the greatest impact on bird populations induced by man (Desholm et al 2006). 

Variable Causes and Trends 

The problem of avian collisions has been particularly challenging to address because multiple factors affect collisions: different locations, taxons, and even offshore and onshore models may present their unique set of challenges (Morris and Stumpe 2015). There are also many trends associated with avian collisions on wind farms that are difficult to account for. For instance, raptors collide frequently because their use of thermals to soar decreases their stability in flight and navigation. Other sites that experience frequent bouts of fog and bad weather are also of greater collision risk for sensitive species (Smith and Dwyer 2016). The variability in these factors ensures that it is alarmingly easy for a company or operator to become overwhelmed while trying to find a solution that best fits their site, and by extension, their unique set of circumstances. 

Legal Guidelines for Collisions 

With stricter policies and regulations enforced by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services, where even unintentionally killing birds may be enough to warrant a lawsuit, more companies have thankfully become increasingly receptive to newer technologies. The guidelines created by the agency to mitigate collision risks are voluntary, but the agency also holds the power to refer particular companies for prosecution; thus, most companies are willing to cooperate to some extent. A few select companies that have demonstrated high efforts in reducing collisions are also rewarded with incidental take permits, giving them a small allowance for collisions as their reward (Bennet 2018). Furthermore, collisions with larger birds may damage equipment. Compounding the negatives of large-bird-collisions is that many of these birds are of conservation concern,and have potential to yield threatening lawsuits. To this end, it is clear that an incentive exists for companies to comply with regulations and aim to actively minimize the collisions on their sites. 

Lack of Accessibility and Organization in Resources 

Although the issue of avian collisions with wind turbines has been greatly aided by expanding technology, increased public and private receptiveness, and legal enforcement, correct implementation of these technologies requires a fundamental understanding of the solutions that are currently available. However, the information available to companies is often difficult to access, incompletely updated, and lacking in organization. 

1. The most widely-available method used to advertise products is primarily through monthly/annual conferences— conferences in which some technology companies may be present, whereas others are not (Davenport 2020). Furthermore, not all wind companies will send a representative to certain conferences. Thus, the chance for exposure to certain products is greatly limited: oftentimes, only the most mainstream products are broadcasted and implemented, though they may not be fitting for smaller sites or sites with unique circumstances. This is not accounting for “general solutions” not owned or commercialized by a company such as structural modifications, special paint, lighting, etc. that may warrant use. 

2. Significantly compounding the difficulty in reducing collisions is the fact that research and studies on various collision-reducing technologies have been sporadic— easily lost in the bulk of information provided through existing research databases. Constraints in time and funding mean that the most well-known technologies may not be the most fitting. These technologies are constantly changing (newer models, shifting designs), along with the validation of such technologies and their effectiveness. For instance, the use of acoustic deterrence has recently shown to be of lesser effect in mitigating turbine-induced mortality (May et al. 2014), which shifts the array of available solutions. The changing information provides yet another obstacle that wind energy companies must overcome when deciding the best course of action. 

To reap the full benefits of existing technologies, further action is needed: the information presented to these companies must be accessible, manageable, and organized. 


Company Technical Data Sheets 

Many collision-reducing technology companies provide Technical Data Sheets on their products, giving stakeholders a fast and efficient method to learn about existing technologies. However, companies will only advertise the products that they design and implement (Hall 2012). Thus, wind energy companies are limited in viewing only certain information sheets: to find all of them, they will need to explore multiple web pages that are often confusing and difficult to access. Although the information provided on these sheets is certainly helpful, in the best interest of the company, some of the statements will be superficial, exaggerated, or hide the product’s shortcomings. Technical Data Sheets also tend to generalize and over-estimate possible scenarios to which the product can be applied. Technical Data Sheets also only incorporate selected components due to limitations in length and depth, often limited to control requirements for the specified equipment (Hall 2012). As such, questions may go unanswered and warrant further research about the product. In short, these data sheets should be supplemental: they are not detailed or truthful enough to expose the full implications of installing a device. 

American Wind Wildlife Institute Documents Library 

The American Wind Wildlife Institute documents library includes peer-reviewed articles and reports (and even unpublished ones) that focus on approaching wind energy studies at different phases of construction. The database has categories on mitigation, wildlife studies, survey techniques, impact assessment, and types of facilities aimed to provide detailed information about wind energy and avian interactions ("New Online Library" 2016). Though the range of information and the detailed filter is of great value, many of these articles only highlight the causes of avian mortality at certain sites and proper approaches to quantifying mortality, meaning that they are only applicable to related studies and research. The website lacks a filter for existing technologies and products ready for commercial use or later-stage testing. Thus, although the documents library provides excellent supplemental research, companies looking for an efficient, existing device will struggle in doing so unless they know the specific name of the device in question. 


WindExchange is a website created by the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, aimed specifically at providing resources that aid sustainable wind project development. The website includes many detailed maps of ongoing installations as well as tools for determining where to build wind farms while accounting for wildlife impacts ("Wind Project Site Selection" n.d.). Since the website is linked to the Department of Energy and is generally supportive of all renewable energy measures, only a fraction of the problem of collisions is addressed (collision estimates, species of concern, etc.). However, the website includes helpful industry tools and guidelines for determining the best site for newer projects in accordance with wildlife protection measures, such as the “Environmental Impacts Tools”("Wildlife Impacts" n.d.). All in all, although the website is reputable, the information is rather limited, does not cover potential solutions for wind farms that have already been sited/created/under construction, and understates the magnitude of the problem. 

Future Steps 

New technologies are being created and tested at various sites (from labs to universities and companies), with various stages in product development, making it increasingly difficult for wind farm operators/wind energy companies to manage and understand the full spectrum of available options. Even so, it is both economically and legally in the industry’s best interest to implement these devices: the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, Bald Eagle Protection Act, and Endangered Species Act are just a few of the binding policies that could halt projects if they have deemed a significant avian threat (Bennet 2018). As such, a high demand exists for access to a single collection of existing technologies, details on how they work, research validating the technology, and proposals for how they should be implemented in order to address the issue.


Akos, Zsuzsa. Comparing Bird and Human Soaring Strategies (Hungarian Academy of Sciences: PNAS, 2008), 4139, fig. 1. 

Bennet, Molly. “How New Technology Is Making Wind Farms Safer for Birds.” Audubon, (2018). Accessed January 16, 2021. ms-safer-birds. 

Brown-Saracino, Jocelyn. “State of the Science: Technologies and Approaches for Technologies and Approaches for Monitoring Bird and Bat Collisions Offshore.” U.S. Department of Energy, (2018). Accessed January 11, 2021. 93db11cb6a90d43be94.pdf?index=true. 

BSPB BirdLife Bulgaria. Wind Turbine Collision. n.d. Photograph. BirdLife International. Accessed January 25, 2021. s 

“Career Map: Site/Plant Manager.” Accessed January 18, 2021. 

Davenport, Jenny (Detect Inc. Data Analyst and Reports Manager) in discussion with the author, December 18, 2020. 

Desholm, M., A. D. Fox, P. D. L. Beasley, and J. Kahlert. “Remote Techniques for Counting and Estimating the Number of Bird–Wind Turbine Collisions at Sea: a Review.” Ibis, no. 148 (2006): 76-79. Accessed December 6, 2020. 

Fordham, Martyn. Wind Turbines and a Flock of Birds. 2012. Photograph. Flickr. Accessed January 25, 2020. 

Hall, Stephen. “Process Evaluation.” An Applied Guide to Process and Plant Design (2015): 280-299. Accessed January 28, 2021. 

Horton, Kyle G. (CSU Aeroeco Lab Principal Investigator) in discussion with the author, October 12, 2020. 

IRENA. Future of Wind:$ Deployment, Investment, Technology, Grid Integration and Socio-economic Aspects (Abu Dhabi: IRENA publications, 2019), 27, fig. 8. 

May, Roel F., Ole Reitan, Kjetil Bevanger, Svein Håkon Lorentsen, and T. Nygård. “Mitigating Wind-Turbine Induced Avian Mortality: Sensory, Aerodynamic and Cognitive Constraints and Options.” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, no. 42 (2014): 170-18. 

Merriman, Joel. “How Many Birds Are Killed by Wind Turbines?” American Bird Conservatory (2021). 

Morris, Sara R., and Brynne A. Stumpe. "Limited Impact of a Small Residential Wind Turbine on Birds on an Off-Shore Island in Maine." Northeastern Naturalist 22, no. 1 (2015): 95-105. Accessed November 2, 2020. 

“New Online Library.” American Wind Wildlife Institute, (2016). Accessed January 25, 2021. 

Smith, Jennifer A., James F. Dwyer, “Avian Interactions With Renewable Energy Infrastructure: An Update.” The Condor, no. 118 (2016): 411–423. Accessed November 29, 2020. 

Wang, Julia (Lights Out Project Coordinator) in discussion with the author, October 28, 2020. 

“Wildlife Impacts.” Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, n.d. Accessed January 19, 2021. 

“Wind Project Site Selection.” Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, n.d. Accessed January 19, 2021. 

“Wind Turbines.” U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Department of the Interior, (2018). Accessed January 17, 2021.


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